
Toll BlendingCustom toll blending is a much safer and cleaner alternative to mixing your own formulations. Outsourcing this work with a reputable company will keep dangerous chemicals out of your facilities and far away from your employees. Given the maze of regulations and safety laws from all the various regulatory agencies, it’s no surprise that smaller companies are outsourcing this work simply to avoid regulatory fines and possibly breaking the law. Whether or not an accidental spill or other infraction is large or small, communities and people in general tend to overreact when hearing about chemical companies breaking safety laws.

Think of toll blending like you would think of changing your own oil in your car. Sure you can do it yourself, but sometimes it can be a tough and dirty job. You’ll need some equipment, decent weather,  some experience (or good directions), and it will probably end up costing close to the price of an oil change at the local quickie change. Not to mention what to do with all that used oil.

Instead of private companies mixing dangerous chemicals all over town, centralized mixing by toll blenders keeps everything in one place. Nobody wants to see over-regulation, but a strong case can be made from an environmental perspective (not to mention economic and security perspectives) that the handling, storage, and distribution of dangerous chemicals should primarily be handled by specialized facilities.

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